Whitecliff and Clarkson’s Woods
Added on 5th April 2017 by Audrey Barnes
Season: Spring
Woodland: Whitecliff and Clarkson’s Woods
Spring has come early and in a rush following a very mild winter. Clarkson’s wood is full of birdsong and spring flowers.
The sunshine has brought out butterflies , I saw a Comma working its way around the Wood Anemones.
Close to the Beck I found a patch containing pastel blue Anemones.
[Early Dog-violet (Viola reichenbachiana), Primrose, Lesser Celandine peeping through an old frond of Hard Shield-fern, and a rarely seen colour form of wood anemone (Anemone nemorosa var. caerulea) which usually has pure white flowers, although occasionally with a pink or purple tinge.]