Woodlands with their fantastic scenery complex ecologies and beauty area vital part of our natural heritage. They are changing growing places, beautifully rich with astonishingly varied and subtle ecosystems that have evolved and adapted to seasonal changes. They contain a stunning collection of structures, forms, plants and wildlife and change in colour shade and light. Their longevity and continuity give local distinctiveness and a sense of place to the communities around them.
Traditionally people kept diaries of their observations of nature and took time to observe and reflect on the changing seasons and biodiversity where they lived. They used notes, field sketches, drawings and pressed plants to create records of nature. This project will use the inspiration of traditional nature diaries to encourage local people to stop and notice the woodlands. Workshops in photography and drawing will help people to create their own diary entries
The following woodland pages of this website show the growing results of the project. Over time, as people upload their diary entries, differences between the three chosen woodlands will emerge and the changing moods of the woods with the seasons.
We hope that you will feel inspired to help us with the project by uploading some of your photographs, sketches, poems or other observations. Don’t worry if you think your entries are not good enough or that aspect of the woodland has been already shown. Help us to capture the unique essence of these unique places and to improve our understanding of the ancient woodlands of the Cleveland Coast. If you upload a photo our botanist and other experts will help identify it for you.